Keep all your gear secure and dry inside the Shimano Banar Boat Bag. When you're out on the water, it pays to have all your gear in one accessible place. It's made from heavy duty materials that are designed to handle harsh salt water conditions and carry heavy loads. And what's more, this bag is waterproof to keep your gear and other stuff safe and dry. This bag keeps everything in its place, which means less aimless rummaging and more time catching the next fish.
Shimano Banar Boat Bag Features:
- Oversized non-corrosive zippers
- Waterproof
- Non-slip soft bottom
- Convenient mesh pocket inside the top lid
- Ideal for phones, GPS, cameras, car keys that need to me kept dry
Shimano Banar Boat Bag Specifications:
- Double stitched adjustable EVA handles
- Colour: Black
- Width: 40cm
- Diameter: 30.5cm
- Height: 33cm