The Baitrunner reel has deep roots in the Kiwi fishing scene and this latest release still comprises a lot of the features that have made the Baitrunner a household name in this country, but also includes advanced technologies that are going to take this iconic range of reels well into the future.
The series comes in 4000, 6000, 8000 and 12000 sizes and all feature the original Baitrunner system. This new model now comes with a replaceable spool clicker, Vari-speed oscillation to make sure that you get a perfect line lay with Power Pro and other braided lines, plus Propulsion Line Management to give you that extra distance while casting.
The handles have been upgraded from the B series, while maintenance on the reels has been made a lot easier, with the inclusion of an easy access oil maintenance port. All of the models feature three double sided, shielded, stainless steel bearings and an anti-reverse bearing.
The Shimano Aquatip Boat Spinning Rod comes to you from one of the best value for money ranges available to fishermen. This rod is perfect for stray-lining for big snapper, live-baiting for kingies, it'll make a solid rock rod and it takes down schooling fish like kahawai and trevally with pleasure. TheShimano Aquatip Boat Spinning Rod is perfectly suited to most of your fishing situations.
The Shimano Aquatip Boat Spinning Rod features a durable solid integrated tip, striking metallic blue, silver and black binds, shaped EVA grips and hooded winches. Excellent value for money, the Shimano Aquatip Boat Spinning Rod will look great, make a brilliant addition to your rocket launcher and will answer a huge range of your fishing demands!